Prepare to protect our neighbors and fellow people from vicious, hateful, harmful attacks.

The spirit of the United States seems to have taken a bad turn towards disdain for people who are different and less fortunate than the dominant, wealthy and self-interested powers in our country. It is up to all people of good conscious to remember the teachings of all major religions - to protect the weak, to not judge others based on differences but rather to support all humans with the knowledge that we are all formed in the image of the Great Spirit. While those who stand up tallest often get shot first, those that cower and benefit from the abuse of others, well those people have a hard time in the end reconciling their behavior with the human suffering they failed to prevent or respond to with care and love. Hard times require people to live up to their highest potential, much like generations past that struggled and saved to give their children a better life.

One way to help in Vermont is to volunteer to help non-citizens living here and striving for a better life for their children and themselves. Please consider contacting Vermont Legal Aid and ask about how to get hooked up with the immigration protection project.

Please do what you can to prevent hate, fear and greed from becoming the New Spirit of America. Thank you.


Love Our Abenaki Neighbors